Case history: Checkweigher for sacks of Flour

Checkweigher WP-S series delivered to a French company that produces flour. This machine will check bags of...

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Idecon exhibitor at CIBUS TEC 2023

The countdown has started to Cibus Tec 2023 which will take place from 24 to 27 October...

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What are Checkweighers used for?

Checkweighers check the weight of the products during the normal production process, verifying that it respects certain...

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Idecon at EMAF 2023

A few days ago, EMAF2023, the most important international exhibition for the industry in Portugal....

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Idecon on the latest issue of Tech4food

IDECON is on the latest issue of Tech4food dedicated to the ehxibition CFIA 2023 that is taking...

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Idecon at CFIA 2023

IDECON is pleased to announce that we will be an exhibitor at CFIA 2023, the international trade...

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Idecon at ALL4PACK 2022

This year IDECON is present at the international exhibition ALL4PACK which hosts the most important companies of the...

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Ipack Ima 2022: thanks to everybody!

Thanks to all the people who came to visit our booth during the Ipack Ima exhibition. Faces...

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